I came home from work today to discover that my Chinese Peonies are blooming in the front flower bed. They always bloom way ahead of the other varieties. Their foliage is almost dill-like in appearance.
And then when I peaked out my bedroom window, I saw that my other Chinese Peony (a different variety of) was in full bloom - all 10 of 11 buds all at once. What majesty! The foliage on this variety is also a dill-like in appearance. A girlfriend gave me a slip of this plant about three years ago. I thought it had just died off. But this spring, there it was. Someone told me some peonies only come up every two years. Did you ever hear of such a thing? I guess I'll have to wait till next year to see if it reappears.
And seeing I had my camera out and was tramping around the yard - here are some snaps of my white lilacs just coming into bloom. Dad gave me this tree about 18+ years ago and it has slowly been trying to grow into a fullsome bush. It now stands about 7' feet high and blooms beautifully. I cannot get enough of the fragrant smell of lilacs and these are heavenly.
And last, but not least, the end days of the apple blossoms. I love the peek-a-book bits of pink!
Oh so beautiful! I am patiently waiting for my peony to bloom. It is looking extra healthy this year despite it really not getting enough sun.
Lovely photos!
Such a nice surprise when they seem to open out of nowhere. I have a few daisies in the yard that popped open all at once. Joy! :)
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